Friday, August 8, 2008

Psychologists’ Secrets to Bedtime Battles

It is remarkably exhausting to end your day with an unending battle with your kids over going them to bed, getting them to stay in bed, or even keeping them out of your room. For some parents, the bedtime battle is just an extension of other battles that have occurred throughout the day. Yet for other families, the rest of the day is relatively normal and healthy, and it is only at bedtime that parents begin to cringe at the thought of going through another screaming match over bedtime.

In this article, I will reveal three of my seven key secrets that I use to help parents get out of this bedtime battle mess. As a parenting coach and licensed psychologist, I have worked with thousands of families. I have seen every permutation of bedtime battle, and these three key ideas will get you headed in the right direction.

Secret #1. You don’t make bedtimes happen. Your children learn to get to bed on time.

Any time you keep forcing something happen with your kids, you will find yourself in a losing situation…over the long term. In other words, if you have to force something to happen, you can win the battle today. That is likely true. But tomorrow comes with another battle, and it only gets worse over time.

So this means…you can’t force your kids to go to sleep. You can’t force them to go to bed. The more you try to force it, the more it escalates out of control.

But don’t give up! This doesn’t mean that you can’t get them to bed on time. You can have peaceful bedtimes with everyone in bed on time.

It just means that you need to change your way of parenting around bedtimes. Instead of thinking about controlling the situation so that it happens "now," you set up the evenings to be opportunities for learning. Children learn quickly, and it usually takes 3-7 days before things are running smoothly.

Your children must learn what choices are going to be in their interest…. not in mom or dads’ interest. They’re not going to necessarily go to bed because you want them to. That’s not in their interest. You have to set up the conditions so that they learn to go to bed because… "It’s in their interest." Here’s how:

Secret #2: Establish a consistent routine with clear consequences.

Write down the evening routine, and do so in a way that gives you some leverage. In other words, after dinner, the kids need to help clear the table, take a bath, put on their pj’s, and make sure that their bag is packed and at the door. All of this happens before the TV comes on or before you read a book or before there’s any playtime.

Don’t nag, or yell, or prod or remind the kids. Instead, focus on control and the consequences to their choices….rather than trying to control the kids. Allow them to futz around and waste all the time they want. Just make sure that they don’t get access to any of the goodies that they really enjoy, such as their toys, or the TV, or time from Mom or Dad.

The magic in this arrangement is that the structure and routine allow you to retain leverage over the things that you want them to do before bedtime. In other words, they have to take care of all their preparations, before they get to play. This puts you back in charge. You no longer need nag, remind, push, or yell to get them going. Just patiently wait for them to discover that’s it in their interest to take care of their work.

Secret #3: Teach them it’s bedtime by shutting down their world.

Rather than engaging in prolonged requests to cut off the TV, or to put away their toys, or to cut off their computer, take control of the things that they care about….rather than trying to control the kids. Shut down their world!

Go in and cut off the TV and walk out with the cable box. Cut off the computer and walk away with the keyboard. Walk them out of the toy room and lock the door.

The tantrum or upset that unfolds is not your concern. Allow them to have those moments, and don’t worry if they’re up for an extra hour for a few nights. They will learn from this, if you stick to your guns.

About the Author

Dr. Randy L. Cale is a licensed psychologist who offers parental coaching through his website at Visit Terrific Parenting for more parenting tips and information.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Understanding Why Your Cat Stalks

By their very nature, cats are excellent hunters who thoroughly enjoy stalking their prey. For domesticated cats, their “prey” can be something as simple as an insect or a wind up toy. But, is it always healthy and normal for a cat to stalk, or is there ever a reason to be concerned about a stalking cat?

As I commented even domesticated cats have the natural instinct to hunt and to stalk. With an indoor cat, stalking generally speaking is not an indication of hunger. More likely they are stalking their prey out of curiosity or because they simply need to add a little excitement to their lives. Hunting and stalking also helps the cat to get a little exercise and also provides a release for pent up energy.

For the most part, domesticated cats prefer chasing mice or other small rodents. Some even enjoy stalking and catching rabbits and birds and they will spend many hours watching their prey. A domesticated cat that is well fed will generally just play with the prey rather than try to eat it. In fact, it is rare for a well cared for domesticated cat to eat its prey. Many people think cats are cruel because they play with their prey, but this is just simply the cat’s way of satisfying its natural hunting instinct and of getting exercise.

When a cat uses its stalking skill to hunt for prey, it moves quietly and attracts very little attention. Cats particularly enjoy stalking in areas with high grass because it helps prevent their prey from seeing them. This stalking instinct can be more than a little disturbing for those cat owners who are also bird lovers. If a cat has a tendency to stalk wild birds that the cat owner wants to be left alone, it can be a good idea to tie a bell around the cat’s neck. This will help warn the birds of the nearby stalking cat although it will of course frustrate the cat who may try to remove the bell!

Negative Behaviours

Besides destroying the wild bird population with their stalking and hunting instincts, some cats can begin to exhibit their stalking behaviours in negative ways. Indoor cats that are the only cat in the household are most likely to develop negative stalking behaviours. For example, a cat can learn the patterns of behaviour of its owner. So, when it hears the owner arrive home, it might engage in stalking mode and pounce on the owner and bite them on the ankle when they gets home. This behaviour is sometimes referred to as predatory-play aggression because it combines elements of play with elements of predatory behaviour.

When this happens, the owner quite understandably becomes upset. The owner might tell the cat off or even spray them with water to attempt to make the cat stop the behaviour. However, this will rarely succeed in modifying the cat’s behaviour

Modifying Stalking Behaviour

Indoor cats tend to engage predatory-play aggressive behaviour more than outdoor cats. This is because indoor cats are more likely to become bored. In addition, outdoor cats have a far greater number of options for fulfilling their predatory behaviour. These include stalking small outdoor animals, insects, and birds.

For the indoor cat, however, buying some toys that the cat can stalk is a good idea. These give the cat the opportunity to engage in its natural predatory instincts in a healthy way. The cat should have access to toys that both involve the owner and those that do not. Toys that involve the owner help to create a bond between the pet and its owner. On the other hand, cats also need to learn how to engage in solitary play and this includes stalking and other predatory behaviours.

Choosing Toys

Toys that are lightweight and easy to move are the best types of toys to help the cat engage in its stalking behaviour. Bouncy toys are also a good choice, as are toys that hand from the top of doors or from doorknobs. Toys that hang from other items should be moved around the house, however, to help keep the cat’s environment different and enriching. Toys can even be hidden in places such as laundry baskets to add to the excitement.

Toys that resemble the natural prey of cats, such as mice, are also good choices. In addition, toys should be large enough to prevent choking, but small enough to be easily moved by the cat. The material used to create the toy should also be indestructible. Otherwise the cat, particularly kittens, will destroy the toy. This is not only messy, but also poses as a choking hazard.

A cat that is properly stimulated with toys that allow it to utilize its stalking skills will be far healthier than one that is not. In addition, the cat will be far less likely to pounce on or harm the owner or the owner’s furnishings!

About the Author

Paul Duxbury owns a wide range of pet related websites including
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What To Do With All The Toys Accumulated Over Winter?

It’s inevitable, if you have small children, you have toys. These toys can clutter up your home before you know it. Throughout the long winter months, it’s easy to set these toys aside or put them in a corner, which quickly becomes a corner full of clutter. Now that spring is here and the inclination to clean and organize are at their greatest, take advantage of some wonderful storage solutions which will provide a clean and organized room for you and continued access to the toys for your little ones.

If your little one sees you dragging his/her favorite toy to hiding, be prepared for that to be the next thing that he/she can’t live without. Kids can become very attached to their toys, some even become objects of comfort for them. When those toys become too cumbersome for your home, it’s time to reach out for a solution that will satisfy everyone. As children wake up to a new day, they are refreshed and ready for another fun-filled routine spent exploring and playing. Throughout the day, kids test their capacity to learn as they carefully sound out unfamiliar vowels, or attempt to identify the lively shapes that decorate the pages of their pop-up books. The floor becomes a whirlwind of games and toys made from plastic, felt, softness, color, and stuffing. When they are done and ready to take a nap, where do all of these treasured items go?

While the floor may seem like a suitable place to leave their play-world behind until they are ready to return, it does nothing for parents trying to instill good habits in cleaning. There has to be something for both parents and children to accept as they try to come up with a suitable toy storage solution. Decorated with bright shades of red, blue, green, yellow and beyond, or fashioned into shapes that are pleasing to the eye, an assortment of toy boxes, toy chests, and toy storage bins are available on the market.

Not only do toy boxes offer a place for kids to store their prized possessions, but the colorful objects also allow them to cultivate their imagination. Some wooden toy box selections are transformed into theme-related objects that provide further entertainment for the curious child.

On a more functional level, a toy chest may serve as a right of passage for young girls looking to emulate their mothers. Just as their mommy places pearls, pendants, bracelets, and rings into a jewelry box, daughters may store their treasured gems in a box of their own. As for young growing boys, plastic hammers and toy screwdrivers now have a special place for storage as they follow in their father’s footsteps "fixing" things around the house.

Toy boxes, toy chests, and other toy organizers have been created with parents in mind so that they will not be eyesores to a room, but will hold all toys in an organized fashion in one particular place in your home. When it’s playtime your children should feel comfortable bringing out their toys and playing with them. Yet when playtime is over, with all toys having a particular home, toys will no longer be a cumbersome mess. Many children are more than willing to accommodate the wishes of their parents (who long for an uncluttered child’s room) when they have a toy chest of their own. This is because until they are tall enough to reach bookcases and shelves, a toy storage box serves as a daily reminder to take care of their possessions.

Outside of the home, toy storage boxes, chests and benches provide a wealth of possibilities for establishments, such as daycares and preschools. Not only does the top of a toy box serve as a bench that provides extra seating, but also allows little ones to keep their play areas neat and tidy. Additionally, toy chests are equipped and secure enough to handle the delicate fingers of children with features, such as safety hinges. Overall, the construction, variety of shapes and colors of toy chests fit right into the setting of a learning environment geared towards kids. Obtaining just the right toy chest for a child is quite easy. There are a variety of themes available to match the personality and interests of any youngster, including animals, princesses, flowers, rainbows, dollhouses, school buses, and sports.

About the Author

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Marina Neiman, author and mother of two, writes for – Children Educational Toys Store, featuring classic toys with truly developmental value, along with great selection of kids furniture, toy boxes, toy chests and more. Visit:
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Appreciating Your Childs Educational Toy

We live in extremely busy times. With expenses rising and the need to provide a good life for our children, most households rely on incomes from both parents, instead of just one, leaving the child with less than enough time to bond with his or her mom or dad.

Because of this, most parents try to make it up to their kids by purchasing toys that seek to compensate for the absence of prolonged sit-down times.

Thus, the demand for children’s educational toys has grown. What educational toys do is fill the gap that has been created by the lack of time parents have for their kids.

In the past, both or either one of the parents had the time to help their kids with homework or read them dozens of stories. However, nowadays, this has become close to impossible because every has to make a living.

While children’s educational toys do not aim to replace the actual presence of a parent, it is able to temporarily fill a void. It is for this reason that toy manufacturers have taken great pains and conducted deep research into a child’s learning levels and capacities in order to come up with an educational toy that would be a fount of knowledge.

Examples of children’s educational toys include Vtech’s portable laptop computers that teach kids spelling, math basics, geography and carry games that test and enhance analytical skills and logic. Toys "R" Us has also joined the bandwagon and come up with its own line of educational toys, while LeapFrog has started to make waves.

The good thing about these educational toys for children is that they tickle the interest not just of children, but also of adults. Sales of children’s educational toys have risen continuously over the past years because more and more people are starting to see their value, especially as gifts, as opposed to simply giving a stuffed toy or a doll. Children will be able to appreciate a toy more if they are able to interact with it more actively.

Educational toys carry a relatively hefty price tag, though, but consumers do not seem to mind because of the huge benefits these kinds of toys bring for the kids. Every age level has a corresponding kind of educational toy that is suitable to his or her abilities, so no child will be left wanting. The thought that educational toys are boring and not fun at all has been circumvented by the creative toy makers of present.

About the Author

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Are your children's toys safe?

It's a sad fact that many of the most dangerous toys are favourites. Thousands of cheap, unsafe toys are finding their way onto the market place with little being done to stop them. How many unsafe toys are there on the shelves that we just don't know about? Potentially dangerous toys are a serious issue, but the scale of the problem is not yet big enough to spark an exodus of U. Despite industry standards and ongoing improvements, dangerous toys are still widely available and sold. Dangerous toys can be classed as toys with parts that young children can choke on, stick up their nose, or otherwise hurt themselves with: sharp corners, fast-moving, massive projectiles, etc. Children's toys can become dangerous if they are misused or if they fall into the hands of children who are not old enough to play with them. Just looking around car boot and garage sales will show you where most of the older and dangerous toys are bought and sold. People think they are getting a bargain but what is the real cost?

Millions of dangerous toys which are for sale on shelves are being recalled every day because of various reasons. There are several different factors that can make a toy dangerous. Toys with magnets are high on the list due to the lead content, and the fact that young children can swallow, or push the small detachable parts in the toys where they shouldn't go. Many toys that are recalled have high levels of lead in the surface paint; lead being dangerous because it is poisonous. Any kinds of magnets in your toys should put the toy high on the dangerous toys list. The majority of dangerous toys have little parts which can be removed and swallowed by a young child. Toy parts that can easily become lodged in a child's throat have led to many incidents of death and brain damage yet can still be found in newly designed toys. You should check all toys for loose or small parts which you feel may be dangerous to your kids. It is also dangerous for your kids to play with toys which are meant for older children. From time to time, inspect your kids' toys for any wear and tear which can make them dangerous. .

Toys and games represent a thirty (30) billion-dollar-a-year industry. Toys caused an estimated 150,000 visits to the emergency room last year. Toys should be solid, strong and well made. Toys should have lasting interest and not just be the latest on the market. You can visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC website. They publish a list of toy recalls. Parents and children alike have a right to expect that the toys they select and play with are designed with the child's safety in mind. The first line of defence for toy safety must be safe design and manufacture. The current state is that many parents will never know when a product has been recalled.

Protecting our children from unsafe toys will always remain the majority of parent's number one concern, but when will it become the number one priority within toy industry and the government regulatory bodies. The toy companies, retailers and the Government must listen and act when dangerous toys are brought to their attention so that we don t see the same hazards and the same injuries reappearing year after year. Dangerous toys are not as common as they used to be, but they are still out there. Parents, guardians and carers still must continue to check that the toys they are buying are correctly labelled with the CE mark confirming the toy is safe. Where, for example, dangerous toys are being sold that could cause serious injury to unsuspecting children, the Office of Fair Trading must be able to remove those toys from outlets.

About the Author

Rachel Harding is a registered nurse and mum of 3. She has a great deal of expertise with children and offers valuable support for you as parents and care givers and free resources including children's stories, forums, recipes, article's, gifts and books at =>
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

How Do You Choose Your Baby Toys?

When you are picking out toys for your baby, no doubt you want to purchase toys that your little one will love. However, there is a lot that will go into the decision of which baby toys to purchase. You see, there is much to consider, such as the price, the safety, your baby's development, and a whole lot more. If you're a bit nervous about picking out the best safe baby toys for your new baby, then here are a few great tips that will help you make the right decision.

Tip #1 Avoid Toys with Small Parts
First of all, when you are picking out newborn baby toys, it is important that you avoid purchasing toys that have any small parts. Small parts can break off the toy and your baby may put the part in their mouth, which could cause them to choke. You don't want to rush to the hospital with a choking baby, so it is best to avoid the toys with the small parts for safe baby toys that you feel more comfortable with.

Tip #2 Go with Toys that Stimulate the Senses
You'll also want to go with toys that stimulate your baby's senses, such as musical baby toys or other educational baby toys. Your baby's senses are developing fast, so you'll want to go with toys that cater to their senses and help to develop them as well. So, keep this in mind when you're picking out baby toys for your little one.

Tip #3 Do Some Research
Doing some research is important, whether you are purchasing a baby teething ring or a new baby rattle for your baby. One of the best ways to find out more about a specific toy is to get online and read reviews from other parents about the toy. If you find a lot of negative reviews, then you may want to avoid purchasing that particular toy for your baby.

Tip #4 Think About How Long the Toy Will Last
You may also want to consider how long the baby toy is going to last before you buy it. If you only think the toy is going to last a week or two, or you think your baby is going to get tired of it quickly, you may want to settle on a different toy that you think they'll play with a lot longer.

Tip #5 Make Sure Toys Meet Safety Standards
Making sure that toys meet safety standards is also very important. Whether you are purchasing plastic toys or wooden baby toys, you'll want to make sure that they are safe for your baby. So, make sure that you check to see if the toy you're consider is a safe baby toy and meets the safety standards that it should.

Tip #6 Read the Package for More Information
The package information can also provide you with a lot of helpful information about the toy. It usually is a great idea to read this information on the package before purchasing baby toys so you are sure it is the right toy for your baby.

About the Author

Do you have trouble find childbirth inf on medical sites? Natural Childbirth & Baby Care aims to inform you all about natural childbirth and baby care without the jargon making it easy and fun to read
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Stimulating Your Parrot With Toys, Safely

When you decide to take a parrot for a pet you first must get to know your new pet. First of all parrots are not dogs or cats, that means that they are not as sociable as dogs and cats. Also you need to know that they are very stubborn and will always try to dominate you and break the rules. They have a very powerful personality and you must dominate it. Always the parrot remembers who makes the rules and who is in charge.

Parrots are wild animals that need to adapt to a closed environment. They are flock birds and because of that they need to live in a family and to feel safe and protected. Also you must know that your new pet is a very smart one. When they are in wild they have a lot of methods to keep active: they play, forage, preen each other, socialize and fly up to 500 miles each day.

Once in captivity you will have to stimulate his mental capacity with new activities and challenges. In order to do that you will have to buy some toys and put them in his cage. But you must be very careful and choose only safe toys made from natural materials. Such toys you can find in the toy stores. Here are some examples of sources of safe and natural toys: Chirp n Squawk Bird Supplies, Planet Pleasures Bird Toys and Jungle Talk Bird Toys. There are some rules that you must know before you choose the toys for your pet:

- First of all make sure they are safe and made from natural materials

- Also try to match the size of the toy with the size of your bird. If you have a large bird try not to buy her very small toys because it is the risk of choking with them. Also if you have small parrots don’t buy them large toys because they will be useless to your pets.

- Make sure the toys are made from Beads and Acrylics. This components are harmless for parrots as long as the bird don’t ingest broken parts

- The plastic chain you are buying for your birds plastic toys must be short in order not to strangle the bird

- Everybody knows that parrots love bells. If you want to spoil your pet you surly will take him a bell. If so, you must be very careful that the bell is nickel plated so the lair of zinc can be covered. Zinc is very toxic to parrots

- The best material for parrot’s toys is stainless steel but it is very expensive. If you don’t afford to take that kind of toy you

- Always use parrot toys that are made with Quick Links (or ’C’ clamps). Do not use toys made with ’S’ links, bent wires, shower curtain hangers or open link chains because this can suffocate your pet.

- Be sure that the toys you are getting are made with natural leather that is not treated with chemicals.

- Ropes are dangerous for parrots so be very careful when you use them. Use only sisal or cotton rope. Avoid ropes that have frays. If frays exist don’t hesitate to cut them because they represent a very big danger for your bird. Your pet could strangulate with them.

- Don’t use cotton birds toys because they are predisposed to fraying and could accidentally strangle your bird. When the end of a piece oof rope begins to unravel, clip it off.

About the Author

If you want to know more about parrot care and about parrot toys or learn about pet parrots just visit my website.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Consumption Structure and Popular Trends of European Toy Markets

In last decade years, it took place a thorough change in European toys and games industry. The market share increases gradually and has accounted for more than one third of the whole world¡¯s toys and games market. In recent years, electronic toys rise greatly, video games become more and more popular, and wooden toys still charm children a lot. Especially rc toys in electronic toys market, such as nitro rc car, remote control helicopter, rc gas boat, rc helicopter, remote control car, rc car etc. increase rapidly.

In past 1-2 years, European toys market had belowing features and trends:
The highly important factor still was price, although most parents in rich countries such as U.K., Holland and France liked to buy large-scaled toys, those toys had a rather cheap price usually under 8 EURO. A great deal of European parents believed that wooden toys were educative and innovative, and wooden toys were typical toys in children¡¯s rooms, and it would keep growing in European wooden toys market. Parents were always pleased to buy the toys of teaching while playing for their children, which had caused educational toys white-headed in years of 2005 and 2006 in Europe. The European Union had imported toys from developing countries as many as 50% of its total amount and were still on its way of increasing. Among them 40% were carried out by importers, and the left were mostly accomplished by agents and centralized purchasers.
After all, in next 5 years, traditional toys sales in European market will change little, however, with the growing purchasing power of some countries, it will go up. Traditional toys combining electron and interaction like early educational toys are being a stable developing period. Video game products will keep increasing strongly. And rc toys, such as nitro rc car, remote control helicopter, rc gas boat, rc helicopter, remote control car, rc car etc will also have large market in adult toys.

Take a look at the main countries in EU, in U.K. electronic toys will grow fastest and have the largest market, rc toys in electronic toys market, such as nitro rc car, remote control helicopter, rc gas boat, rc helicopter, remote control car, rc car etc will become most popular. And the total amount of toys market in U.K. will reaches 6 billion EURO by 2007.In France, markets of infant toys and early learning toys will grow fast, and infant toys market is in process of growing fast because of high birthrate in recent years. Video games will be very popular, and it will rise of 25% in next 5 years.

Comparing with other European countries, technical toys for such as architecture, vehicle and electronic training toys will be more popular in Germany. Music, dancing and doll toys will be fully fashionable in Belgium. Mobile phones, voice recognition games and virtual games will be in fashion in Spain.

About the Author

David ZHENG is the CEO of China Topwin Industry Co., Ltd( nitro rc car, remote control helicopter, rc gas boat, rc helicopter, remote control car, rc car ) a specialty trader of a variety of toys and hobby items, such as nitro rc car, remote control helicopter, rc gas boat, rc helicopter, remote control car, rc car etc
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