by Gary Clay
We, as a nation, and indeed a world, have become hooked on the TV screen. We complain if the remote control is not immediately to hand and we actually have to move to change a channel! But what is this doing to the younger generation? Well, diseases usually associated to the older generation is just one such problem that is becoming apparent. Lack of exercise, both physical and mental, is producing a generation of sluggish, bored and unimaginative people who look to the screen to fill up their days. Perhaps as a backlash to this problem the growing trend is to buy the more traditional toy of days gone by. Parents, grandparents and the like are harking back to the 'good old days' when toys were individually made and not mass produced as toys of today are.Wooden toys seem to be a favourite and they come in all forms. One click on an internet search engine will show you literally thousands of toys in all shapes and sizes and in all price brackets. Imaginations have run riot and there are wooden toys as diverse as penny whistles to ride along toys, fire trucks to rocking horses, push along trolleys to adjustable trikes, they are all here. Perhaps the one thing these wooden toys have in common is the workmanship. Most are finished off to exceptional standards and they will last for many years, no batteries running out at inopportune times here!When a child is given a traditional toy, opposed to a computer game, he/she has to get involved with it. Role playing is one of the best ways a child can use the imagination to bring the toy to life. Imagine a child with a puppet making up storylines and putting on a show for the parents or siblings. The imagination usually runs riot and much fun is had by all who participate! Wooden toys in particular are becoming more and more popular. The tactile feel of something that was living is far superior to the plastic world of today's toys. Indeed, some pieces come unfinished and unvarnished in case you want to paint to your own design, another project you and your child can undertake together.Indeed, perhaps the worst effect of today's electronic wonderland is the lack of communication between parent and child, brother and sister, and family and friends. How many times have you greeted your own or your friends child to be greeted with a grunt? Many times I'm sure. They are normally so engrossed in the TV or computer screen they can hardly be bothered to tear their eyes away! Who once said the screen was the 'chewing gum for the eyes'? So the next time you have to buy a present, be it for a toddler or older child, consider the traditional toy. Moreover think about getting a wooden toy that will outlive all of today's modern gadgets and bring back the art of conversation. The best gift you can give is the gift of caring and by buying one of these you are showing that you care.
About the Author
Gary is a respected authority on traditional toys and writes for his toy blog and e-commerce toy store on a variety of topics including the benefits of wooden toys for the development of children.
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